Tuesday, September 2

Science musings

I wonder whether the immune system can react against multiple infections at the same time and if so, whether they use a common strategy. Or else you could imagine the immune system like a restaurant chef handling several dishes (infections) at the same time an d finishing them off one after another. Of course, there has to be some common ground which might be the innate system.
So, I ask if someone were to be infected with HIV and malaria then would the protection against malaria be able to protect them against HIV?

Tuesday, April 19

My cycle route to work today

I am dead...can barely walk

Thursday, February 24

Fast- slow run 4 times round this loop

This killed me a little bit. It's taken me about 9 hours to recover to the point where I can now sit down and write this ridiculous review.


This is what it means to Tootle!!

Wednesday, February 23

Ist run for half-marathon training

This was the route for my first training run for the Richmond Half-Marathon. Took me about 30 minutes and fortunately I ran with a friend, otherwise I would probably have turned back after 10 minutes.

1. Pain in my left gluteus maximus
2. Dead quadriceps muscles
3. Terrible apprehension that in 2 months time, I will have to do 2.5 hours of this!!

Wednesday, February 16

The Corporate London Olympics!!

The pricing for most events for the Olympics needs to be reconsidered by the Olympic Committee. It is a little absurd that the cheapest tickets for the main events is not than less 50GBP.

There are other absurdities in the pricing strategy. The triathalon held in Hyde Park requires a 20GBP admission fee,this is not for seating, but for general admission. The organisers kindly let us know that we can view parts of the cycling route for the triathalon for free...really now, considering you have 20 km of cycling to do and some of it has to be outside Hyde Park.

The pricing strategists haven't learnt any lessons from the Beijing Olympics or the Commonwealth Games where prices to athletics heats and preliminary events were priced so high that we witnessed empty stands in many venues.

The Olympics are the premier competition for a few sports like athletics, gymnastics, swimming, fencing and it's a great opportunity to see the best in the world compete at their peak against each other. The current pricing scheme virtually refuses entry to events to students, families and others who cannot afford to imagine spending 50 pounds on a single day for an event. The Olympics in London is a great opportunity kids across the UK, but especially London, to get really excited and dream to emulate these athletes. What's the point if your parents cannot afford to take you to see Tom Daley diving or Jessica Ennis win gold!!

Lord Coe must seriously reconsider whether he plans to retrieve his 500 million sales revenue through corporate hospitality or genuinely have an all-inclusive Olympics that will be remembered for the enthusiasm and participation of every Londoner.