Thursday, April 24


I can't work at all. I just submitted an article to the BMJ and am waiting to see whether they send it for external review. Then the reviewers need to accept it. I thought this whole process would take 3 weeks. However, its more like 3 months!

So, now I can't do anything until I hear from BMJ about their decision to send it to external reviewers. I ridiculously nervous. I can't be like this about every single paper I write. I hope it changes!

I keep checking email, the BMJ website every two or three hours. Yesterday was great. To avoid this, I tried watching End of Days (Arnie..yes, my governor). Its a horrific movie...went to sleep with it running in the background before we crossed the 30 minute movie barrier.

As you might have guessed, the reason for this post is...yes the BMJ. Hate them!


Anonymous said...

Welcome back to your blog!! I only checked it on the off-chance today! (and yes, you are bookmarked!)

What's the BMJ paper?? And waiting around doesn't mean you should stop working! Thesis?! Maybe you can format some figures whilst you wait????


Saranya said...

The BMJ paper is stuff that I worked on here.Cholera vaccines (can't leave the vaccine world that easily)
Am working on thesis, actually. have got all the figures formatted for chapter. Am writing the chapter over the w/e.

Thanks for the kick up the arse! Appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

Kicking up the arse I can do. It was writing my thesis I struggled with...