Monday, September 12

Lost love

I have found my bike. It was lying near the theoretical physics department, just standing there. The guy who took it obviously realised that it could be ridden by only one!
It reminds me of our "herbie". Only Amma could drive it or coax it to do anything. My bike is also green and it is quite big ( not as big as a Mark II ambassador or as old)!
Anyway, I am complete once more. The %^£*£"* who took it mucked up the gears a bit and left the back tyre with very little air but otherwise it's fine. The brakes are still not working and the gears are a bit rusty which is probably why the thief had to leave it behind after recgonising his inability to motivate the bike forward. Its all about handling the bike properly, with love and care. Its knowing where to change gear down the hill when you are screeching down without brakes, about knowing what your braking distance is, just shifting the worn out brake pads enough to allow it to touch the wheel when you pull the brakes!
So, I am a happy and content man once more!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

halleluah!!! there is divine justice in the world- in this case poetic!!! just tells you why a perfect vehicle is not a great idea!! perfect way for a story to end...