Saturday, April 9

Fishing and the net

I am not a very computer-savvy or even friendly person so when I read that the 7th greatest spammer in the world got put into jail for 9 years for sending out fake emails to AOL subscribers and making millions, I cheered first and then felt slightly worried.
So, I opened my HSBC account and checked whether somehow my account balance was slightly lower than expected. Fortunately, the only dent in my account seems to be due to visits by the little one and self-treatment of depression.
But, I did learn about "Phishing". Before you think that this is another post about the uniqueness of the English language, let me inform you that this is how you are cheated of your hard earned money.
Take notice, other cyberphobes!!
"Phishing" is how cyber freaks-turned-scamsters send fraudelent emails out to people like me in an attempt to elicit our internet bank details which they then use to clean out your account.
Things to remember :
1. Check your account regularly - this has various other advantages like reminding you that overdraft usually has an upper limit(500 quid only).

2. Never reply to emails that even look suspicious - this might mean that you dont meet interesting people often, but hey at least you aren't on the street broke

3. Banks dont send emails to your email account, they usually send secure messages in your internet banking area- another reason to check your account regularly from the net

4. Banks never send emails that have a window popping up asking for your bank details, secure id number or DOB.

5. Finally, dont be stupid! Use some common sense. Dont be like the guy from Coventry who went to The Gambia with 4000 pounds in reply to a fake email by some random guy who promised him a million in return. This rather gullible fellow then went on BBC Radio to protest the fact that he was cheated!!! He probably deserved to be....

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