Monday, November 21

Have been spending the last couple of days trying to work so that I can take time off this week. Its really hard as I keep waiting for Thursday to arrive so that I can leave. In the meantime, I have a journal club to prepare for, a tutorial and a poster to design. All this while still trying to plan my future experiments and planning my India itinerary.

Had a lovely time yesterday with RR. Went for a walk to Broughton castle. This castle first made by Sir John Broughton, passed on to William Wyckeham - founder of New College and Wellington College (the pvt. school). It then got passed on to the Fieness' by marriage to Margaret Wyckeham, great-granddaughter of William.

It is now owned by William Fieness who is related to Ralph and Joseph Fieness, yes the hot Shakespeare in love(SiL) guy. BTW, SiL was shot here, so the big mansion that Lady Violet lives in is this one and that river that leads upto the mansion is the moat surrounding the mansion.

Its a lovely 16th century Tudor mansion and very picturesque! Its like a magical fairy tale and I often wished to be transported back to the 16th century, of course with money and social status. But, as RR pointed out my skin colour might be looked down upon.
I shall post some pictures when I get them.

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