Tuesday, January 31

Clumsy Dude!

I am a really clumsy fellow. Ask my brother who refuses to give me a watch or a pair of glasses to wear. As he quite rightly points out my rate of destruction/loss is about 2 watches or spectacles/year. In a now usual occurrence I lost my new pair of glasses on the Austrian Airlines flight from Mumbai to Vienna. It was a very pleasant flight and I was able to sleep for a long time which probably accounts for it slipping off without my notice.

Anyway, my clumsiness has always made me incredibly cautious when I am in museums and OT's. So, when I read about this I can only shake my head and sympathise. I cant imagine the reaction of the curators,they must be furious and helpless. I am sure breakages in museums must have happened in the past, but its just the first time that I have come across a report.

This happening in England I can just imagine the conversation

Curator : " Gosh! Are you all right, sir"?
Man : ( embarassed) "Yes,yes...I dont know how it happened. I am so sorry"
Curator :(clipped tones)"I hope you are not hurt,sir. Its rather dangerous when one does not tie their shoelaces. I always make sure to tie mine"
Man: "yes,yes. I cant imagine how it happened.Oh, I feel awful. Is there anything I can do"?
Curator: "No thank you,sir.I only hope that you have not injured yourself. Its not very often that we get a Qing vase,so I dont suppose we can do much about it. Please make your way to the front of the museum where we have a first aid kit".

1 comment:

Shreyas said...

The only reason that rate is 2/year is that you're supplied with one glass/watch every 6 months and not more frequently.

I reckon the figure may well have been in the 25-30/year bracket had the father been a very doting and generous optician.