Wednesday, January 25

Journalistic voyuerism

I usually dont react to all the injustices happening around India everyday. I realise that living in India and especially Mumbai you develop a veil of indifference to these acts and atrocities. Its only when I left the country and now have come back do I notice and observe these issues.Even then, I usually only vent my anger and frustration with friends.
However, I was very distressed to observe this news report. Last night, every single news channel in India( and there are a lot of them) carried this story under various names. "Silent Spectators" was a very apt title for this report.It concerned a Congress party worker in Patiala who immolated himself to protest against his shop being seized and closed down. The pictures were very graphic and the TV crew present were able to film the whole scene, about 30 seconds worth of footage from the point he set himself aflame,the few unsuccessful attempts by individuals to douse the flame to him being taken away by the police to a hospital.Every single news channel ran this story, every one of them.

However, the story was introduced with the caption, "Man sets himself aflame and police constable watches". Now, I do not disagree with the message being sent here. The police and passersby were completely indifferent to the entire scene, BUT(and this is what incensed me the most) WHAT WERE THE JOURNALISTS DOING? Are you so desperate for a story that you cant even prevent and save a life? How dare you blame people for being indifferent when you are guilty of doing exactly the same thing? Is filming the story of a desperate man resorting to suicide more important than saving his life? If you see the footage you will understand what I mean - the film crews manoeuvres themselves to be able to get the best shot. There is a man ablaze with his relatives screaming for water,crying for help and all you can do is film it to show on prime time TV? What would you do next, film a rape scene to prove that it is a reality? The man in question has been charged with attempt to commit suicide, why isn't everyone else present there charged with assisting his suicide attempt?
Are we reducing ourselves to such base levels of sensationalistic journalism that we cant make out the trees for the woods? Woe be it the the trees burn and no one cares for then soon the woods will no longer exist!

I must admit I am ashamed of what is happening to TV journalism in India today. I can only hope that there is some outcry against this incident.

1 comment:

BeeDee said...

i can't agree more.

the whole thing sounds graphic and awful.

but apart from the individual features of this case, do u think that in the new post 90s liberalized india, with the growth spurt of TV channels, channels will basically do ANYTHING (not unlike american tv that is) to secure viewers. i know i'm setting up a strawman here- the western style media...but there is a part of me that thinks that this is symptomatic of a post 1990s india. maybe i'm wrong...