Wednesday, September 19

Great ad

This was posted on Freecycle, which is a local yahoo group where members give stuff away for free rather than throw it away. Its a way of recycling goods and making sure that useful stuff is not disposed off unnecessarily.

Anyway, this was a great offer posted by someone on the list:

SUB: Offer: Teenager, hardly used.

Slightly used at 15 years old. Considering an 80 year lifespan, this
is hardly used! Hurry! This one will go fast!

The negative:
Refuses to work (school work included).
Refuses to pick up anything.
Eats everything in the house - as long as it's not green.
Invites friends over to eat more.
Violates curfew.
Slams doors.
Argues with anyone / anything, including stop signs.

The positive:
Criticism is free flowing.
Complaints are generous.
Attitude and defiance given to anyone / everyone for any reason.
Generous allowance expected for all the work performed above.

Free delivery.

It probably encompasses what all parents want to do with their teenage kids!!

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