Sunday, August 29


Was thinking some time ago (this happens rarely and usually occurs in the shower) Did I tell you about how I won a Scholarship while having a bath.... Mr. K V had asked me why India doesn't have information on Lifestyle diseases, during our dinner the day before the interview.
I really didnt think about it at all through dinner. I was having a bath in the rubbish youth hostel that T put me up in, which had cold water and I had forgotten my slippers, so had a very bad time. Anyway, while having a bath and obvioulsy attempting to avoid concentrating on the cold, my mind began to wander and the answer struck me. At the end of my interview, just before leaving, I told Mr. V that the reason might simply be the lack of National Health Programmes for these diseases. I do believe that might have tipped the scales in my favour.

Reminds me of Archimedes...

Back to my profound question on relationships. Why would anyone have a relationship?? What does either party stand to gain? The obvious motivations which come to mind are : social Status, Sex, companionship, security.. I have now begun to think hard for further reasons.
I can understand both sex and social status, and being selfish motives they confirm my belief that all humans are intrinsically selfish.
But, can't we have companionship without committment? Yes, friends provide such a feeling. Then why do we ever commit to spending the major part of our time with someone. What about security.. I dont think any two people either married or unmarried are secure. I believe that security in a relationship can occur only when both partners reach the age when they realise that each of them would find it hard to find someone else, and that they are comfortable in each others presence.
But, when you are young, career minded, ambitious and self-presevatory it is very easy to dump your partner and move on.

Part two next time... My pAd.METRAP seems to have finally worked. What perverse pleasure do I draw from a simple cloning experiment? I have finally plunged the depths of monotony and bordeom, when DNA being stuck together can provide me motivation to stay in a empty lab till 2am. What is about science that keeps anyone going?? I will never be able to understand the motivations and mind of a scientist. I think they must all be mad!!

The fabulous Wizard of Oz
Retired from his racket because,
What with up-to-date science,
To most of his clients
He wasn’t the Wizard he was.

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