Tuesday, February 1

The "Binding agent" hypothesis

I have finally decided that with A away, leaving me lots of free time(no cooking, making tea,watching Chic flicks!) to waste, I shall re-start my blog.
I have no idea what to write on, or if anything interesting at all happens in my life, but as I have already stated this is my hour and space to ramble.

My "Binding agent" hypothesis was propounded to A on her last night here between sips of Chaing mai's fantastic Tom Yam soup.
The hypothesis is pretty simple and obvious : " every relationship needs a binding agent"
The criterion for a binding agent are :
1. They should be activities
2. Each of the partners must enjoy the activity independently of the other
3. It should be activities that can be performed together
4. They should enjoy undertaking the activity with each other
5. After a fight, they should be able to undertake the activity in the presence of the other

I think most activites fit these criterion. Reading, cooking, watching sports,excercising all are good binding agents.However, in my opinion the best binding agent must be sex. If a couple enjoys having sex with each other then it is perfect as it fits all the criterion,including the most difficult one of undertaking the activity after a fight.

Thought of the day:

The pleasure of love is in loving. We are much happier in the passion we feel than in that we inspire.

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