Wednesday, August 24


This is my life for the next few days:
Wed : morning in room - writing or in lab working
Afternoon - meetings
Evening - dinner with Jan
night - chatting with

Thur : morning - writing
Afternoon - lab work
evening - cricket match
>9pm - writing and chatting

Fri- morning to evening - writing
night - chatting

Sat - writing morning to evening
night- dinner with Richard??? or chatting with

My Life - a poem in prose by Tootles

What a monotonous life I lead
dreary and dull, I yearn to be freed;

Time seems endless as the days merge into weeks,
like a zombie I awake and trudge through days
where today seems like yesterday,
and tomorrow awaits me like today.

What is it about writing that makes me dread the morn,
disprited, lifeless I feel as I switch the laptop on;

Yet I work because I know,
the future will bring a time,
when the days will flow
and I shall be fine

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