Sunday, September 18

"mother" has left. Saw her off today morning. Had OIS meeting yesterday which ended in extremely funny circumstances. Junior dean offered to cut C's hair. Of course, C being the nice guy and having imbibed some vodka agreed....only to realise that she had never done it before. Then we all had this long laugh as we tried to imagine dean trying to cut C's hair without any idea of what implements to use. ( I used to get haircuts from Kunjua) and we came up with this prime time reality show : Kunjurani cuts Chandru!!!

Anyway, went home and watched shit movie on computer. Slept at 4.30 and was awoken by RM at 7am. In lab now, with no inclination to work. I think I will go home and try to work.

That I may drink, leave the world unseen,
Fade away with thee into the forest rim.

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