Monday, January 22

Snooker final

For Queen and Country: A great snooker final, but crowd spoilt the moment

I couldn't watch the latter half of the final, but I almost cried when I saw the last frame and Ding sitting absolutely forlorn in that chair. No one should be made to feel like that, least of all a 19 year old without a friend in a different country playing the most important game of his life.

I like the blog post I linked to simply because its so true about the UK being idiotic this week.


BeeDee said...

how bad was the crowd? i don't know, i guess when i'm in the UK and they get obsessed about good old tim or murray or even the pre ashes hype, it gets really maddening. but then doesn't every country do the same? imagine if we had a grand slam in india...we'd be saying the same about sania. in that bizarre way, the UK and India have this weird (potentially colonial) sporting hangover. neither country is very good at sports, we have tons of armchair fans, everyone has an opinion, we get really passionate, and then get really disparaging, and we love a dose of gossip.

Saranya said...

The problem was barracking Ding, not as much as raucous support for Ronnie. I agree with your general point but there are some sports where you must respect the sport and players a touch more.
Also, the kid is 19 and doesn't understand much english. SOme idiot kept advising him about what shots to play.

BeeDee said...

ah ok. that's ridiculous. although in a situation where the crowd is heckling u, i guess it's best not to speak their language!

i'm following nadal-murray on AO radio because these idiots are not showing it live now. it's turning into a really good match. watch it if u can.