Sunday, January 28

Immature ego defenses and friends

I have just realised that my attitude to friendship and friends can be pyshologically classified as "splitting" - an immature ego defense.
This is after reading USMLE first AID - so I cant take it very seriously except that it sounds plausible. Basically it is an attitude where you beleive that all people are either all good or all bad. I shall say no more -many arguments have been had in this regard. Suffice to say, I rest my defense.


BeeDee said...

eih? how can this be a 'defense'?

most amused.

got the 19 page, single spaced prospectus down to 9 pages double spaced (which is what can be delivered in 15 mins). hallelujah.

BeeDee said...

and oh, i know u don't read my blog, but someone has put up a spirited defence of the women's game in the comments section. i thought i'd leave the responding to you :)