Thursday, June 14

India awarded Formula One race for 2009 |

India awarded Formula One race for 2009 |

I cannot believe it! Suresh Kalmadi has been able to sell India as a Formula 1 destination. I am very impressed, though I wonder where they are going to hold it?

There were talks a year or two ago coinciding with Narain's peek into F1 about a street race in Delhi or a F1 circuit in Bangalore. Street race in cannot be serious? Where?
Michelin will have a serious problem trying to design super-resistant pothole friendly tires while the engineers will be stuck with trying to figure out how to get downforce around roundabouts!!
Delhi traffic is a race in itself,with no quarter given and numerous obstacles to test your reflexes,the car's braking power and torque. Everyone waits for the lights to go and the race begins - people walking across the Ring Road tests your machine's braking power with cars slowing down in 3 seconds from 100kph to 30kph, evasive maneuvering to avoid the auto on one side and the truck on the other while making sure the car trying to overtake you does not get through and finally of course that much vaunted acceleration into a corner as you just make the crossing with the signal on amber!

So, I wonder where we are going to have a F1 race. I suspect this might also be good news for Narain as it might be difficult to muster a crowd without a local driver to attract some jingoistic spectators and add some excitement to the proceedings. Either way, I probably wont get to see it, so why am I complaining.

Good luck to those who deal with Delhi Transport Authority!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've read quite a few articles suggesting that the committee that will run the race is already running behind schedule with preparations for the Commonwealth Games. Are you confident that there actually will be a race in two years' time?