Tuesday, February 15


I got this rather strange email from Ms. Happiness this morning.

guess what I did this morning? Spent a considerable amount of time looking at your face and trying to classify you as positive or negative. It was such a laugh :). Can you guess what I was doing?

I have always loved detective fiction and in true Holmes and Poirot style spent the next half an hour in deliberation. Other than coming to the obvious conclusion that physiognomy was her hobby I was no closer to the truth.
I also had no idea where she got my photograph from as I have no images on the net. I was also pretty sure that we had never had a photo taken together. The last time we met and had dinner at CM we discussed Karma and books. So, I was thinking along lines of astrology. Of course the fact that she spent V day doing this was not lost on me. Unfortunately, she is engaged and I am otherwise occupied and besides I am sure neither one of us can imagine hanging out with the other for too long.

As it turned out, she was taking part in an experiment I had contributed to last year. This was a psychology experiment gauging reactions of South Asian women to multi cultural males. I had some snaps of mine taken last year showing different emotions and she was asked to look at them and evaluate them. Very spooky! ( as my lovely friend Mamta used to say)

From my favourite poet, and very often the only author other than PGW who can make me laugh out loud.
Everybody Tells Me Everything by Ogden Nash

I find it very difficult to enthuse
Over the current news.
Just when you think that at least the outlook is so black that it can grow no blacker, it worsens,
And that is why I do not like the news, because there has never been an era when so many things were going so right for so many of the wrong persons.

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