Tuesday, May 17

babies,london and drugs

It has been brought to my notice that it was not three detectives, but investigators. I apologise and blame my pre-senile dementia for this. Further proof of this condition is evidenced by the incident where I chatted with a Rhodie from Africa, another medic for over an hour without remembering her name or country or any details about her. I also remember meeting her three days later after having looked her up and still forgetting her name.

Anyway, the weekend has been exciting with mother and brother reaching london although in the process of making this terrible journey from London to Luton I lost my youth rail card. So, will need to pay another 25GBP to get one made. I hate losing things.... On the other hand, had a great day out with family on Sunday. We toured St.Paul's, Covent garden on a sunday (witnessed a tight rope walker juggling knives and ate some really bad pasta), leicester square, westminister and the national gallery. Some advice about the fantastic Carvagghio exhibition - book in advance!! Very interestingly, we came across a rally in Trafalgar square which was protesting against the ban on marijuana. Hmm....I am not a rabid anti-drug use person, but I sincerely believe that it is wrong for people to extoll the virtues of a any harmful substance. I am therefore in agreement with people who ban alcohol and cigarette advertising.
Interestingly, I would like to find how the UK classifies a drug and why for example chocolate is not classified as a drug.

Also, Imelda delivered a baby boy on Monday morning. Yeah! Finally little Furqon in born! I am now officially "Uncle Saranya". Rachel and Julia spent the whole day and night with her and deserve a big pat on the back, which Halim and I gave them by getting them drunk on wine and chocolate cake. All this was tonight while discussing drug abuse, socialism and capitalism and the slefish nature of man.

Am really looking forward to the cricket match against Keble MCR tomorrow. Hopefully should get a good hit.

I learnt this nice quote from Julia today,"Democracy is the tyranny of the majority"!

1 comment:

BeeDee said...

and does little furqon have a name as yet?!