Tuesday, May 24

My world this week -1

I havent really blooged for the last week for a number of reasons.
1. Mother and brother here, who are the only people who read my blog apart from little one.
2. Was in London for weekend, no internet access
3. Wednesday applied for Canadian visa which I recieved without having any supporting documents. This story later.
4. Have been busy doing lab work during the day and socialiasing with mother at night.

Interesting things done this week:
1. Watched Lion King the musical at the Lyceum theatre. Got one ticket free and some great seats. I have watched a few musicals and plays at Oxford but have always resisted from buying the expensive seats which often meant that distance + myopia= never being able to see the performers face/emotions. I remember watching Swan Lake which featured this lovely girl as the lead, so I hired a pair of opera glasses to watch her closely but still was never able to distinguish any emotions on her face. For Lion King, mother and I had stall tickets about 10 rows from the stage and it was absolutely fantastic. I could make out actors' make-up, facial expressions and might be able to recgonise their photos.
The musical per se was a disappointment. The production was magnificent and the whole thing was a spectacle. It had the best sets and costumes that I have ever seen. Every performer had a puppet animal attached to him. So, there was this life size figure of the animal whose arms werre attached by strings to the actors, whose head moved when the actor moved his. It was great because for Poomba and Timon the acting included actually moving the animal while acting. very creative. The singing and dance were outstanding and the lady who played Rafiki had a voice to die for....

The acting was ghastly and the direction even worse. No character building, no emotive moments and very poor delivery. I often cat-napped in between songs, once between the "Can you feel the love tonight" song which had this semi-naked couple doing a very erotic dance. Bizarre!!

Ok, enough blabbering. Shall get back to my virus neturalisation assay and leave my visa story for another day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aunty and bro not the only ones who read your blog..i love it keep going :)