Thursday, May 5

News tidbits

To all pathologists, you are losing your job to a dog. Check this out. A dog has been trained to diagnose bladder cancer by smelling urine. Who gave them funding, is that unfair and cruel to the animal and why did the BMJ publish this?

Liverpool are in the final of the Champions league on the back of a dodgy goal. Jose is an arrogant but amazing manager. He had the guts to say the goal was because of the immense pressure on the linesman by the Anfield Road crowd.

Observer carried a good write-up about our very own Narain Karthikeyan. point being that he has made an impression and hopefully is here to stay.

Finally read some Indian news to hear that some guy raped a woman and then offered to marry her!! I mean who would want to marry their own rapist. Not really very inspiring. There seems to be a spate of high-profile rapes in India presently and trust Samna to back the policeman who raped this young woman on Marine Drive!! When will they stop touting the argument that wearing jeans and tops is not an invitation to sexually abuse someone. To say nothing about our rather weak culture and values which seems to be continuously eroded by all the women wearing jeans, skirts and tops.
I think there are some acts which are morally wrong and cannot be excused or condoned. There can be no excuse or provocation to rape, paedophilia, dowry deaths, eve teasing,ragging. These are voluntary active acts of a show of strength and under no circumstances can I imagine them being reactive or retalitative efforts by someone provoked.

To end on a happier note, India launched their a couple of their own satellites to help mapping and amatuer radio operators.

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