Saturday, February 3

Had a marathon teaching week. Stayed up the whole of Wednesday night to mark essays and set papers for my kids. 4pm on Thursday and I am staying awake thanks to caffeinated cokes.

It turned out to be a marathon 3.5 hour tutorial where we covered bacteriology, virology and bits of immunology. Ridiculous amount of work. I revised my virology, bacterio all in three hours. 2 hours into the tute and I had to send for crisps and another coke. Another hour and a half later and we were finally done. I was tired and barely made it home. Chips with cheese, chilli sauce and mayo was eaten while watching Dr.Who. I couldn't even remember when I hit the bed but was suddenly awoken by Billie Piper screaming - anyway crashed for a good ten hours.

Friday was spent recovering and now back to the rugby.

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