Friday, February 16

Making Chai

I am sick of reading about the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis so am off to make some tea, No proper chai. In my first and only visit to Punjabi Southall, overwhelmed by nostalgia I bought a kilo of Brooke Bond tea leaves (this was in 2004), which I have yet to use. My dear mother, in another fit of overpowering love sent me a packet of lovely Darjeeling tea leaves.
Therefore, I have decided to make some nice tea. But, there is only one problem. I have lost the touch....

I used to make tea every single day in college on my wire stove,burnt saucepan and with boiled milk. Western conveniences (read electric kettle and tea bags) have meant that I havent made proper chai in three years and I CANNOT remember what to do to make that perfect cup of tea!! Its so frustrating. I have finally started experimenting - and am now making myself tea almost every day in an attempt to perfect the technique before I go onto using the nice Darjeeling tea leaves.

Any hints are welcome. Things I have done so far:
1. Boil water, add tea leaves, boil. Add milk - DOESN't work.too strong tea
2. Boil water, add milk, boil, add tea leaves and brew - DIDN't work , not enough milk and brewed too long
3. Heat water, add tea leaves, add milk, boil, brew - OK. Not great, might do, but not yet the same.

Anyway, its back to the electric kettle for now....

p.s. - have just bought Queen on Fire, Live at the Bowl!! My music education continues.


Anonymous said...

ok try this- measure out the reqd amount of water and milk -2/3 and 1/3 shd be fine
Boil, add sugar then the tea leaves. Now comes the tricky part!! hold saucepan handle let the liuid boil up, remove the saucepan from fire to set it settle, put it back for one more time - the process to be repeated thrice. Strain and then rep[ort back to me!

Rachael said...

here's another go: combo of me, my college roomate and Manjari's method all in one: depending on strength/size of tea leaves and kettle, generally you line the bottom and then do 50/50 milk water...this you begin to heat, while heating add desired sugar....and like A above, let it boil up, take off heat, boil up again, take of heat, and after the third time, you're ready to strain and drink it...i like my tea milky, hence the 50/50. And if adding some chai masala put that in with the tea leaves first.

gosh, i miss making chai...

BeeDee said...

erm...go to whittard's. acquire a teapot. boil water. put tea leaves in tea pot. add hot water. let it brew. strain. add milk/sugar. DRINK. heavenly!!!