Thursday, May 15

POA for today

I have a new reader..JM who is going to keep track of me from the land of the Amazon and favelas.

Anyway, didn't do much work yesterday except to write a draft of Ch4. discussion. I think I have it sorted except that I want to make it interesting and have lots of ideas for which I need to find papers that can back it up.

Its noon already and I have achieved a little bit. Finished my PH250C Final exam and subletting my apartment.

To do today:
1. Write Ch4 discussion final
2. Sort out figures of Ch5. (stumbling block needs to be hopped over)
3. Write up results and introduction of Ch5
4. Write up methods chapter (cut and paste mainly from transfer report and journal articles)

Its an all nighter today because tomorrow is packing and socialising day. The last time I moved, I had a wee bit of help from Mother and Little One. Any chance you want to fly out for two days to help me with packing again? that I have spent five minutes procrastinating with this post, its back to Adeno/MVA.

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