Monday, July 17

18 hours post incident. I can barely open my eye. The laceration at the top of my brow is covered with gooey Chloramphenicol ointment to keep the edges non-sticky.


Rachael said...

Oh My GOD!!!! yikes!!! Am glad nothing worse happened! You could've broken your orbital socket or worse. Get rest, ice it, all that jazz (can't resist giving a few orders!). Sorry I wasn't there for the glorious moment!

Guess what?! am getting a the next time you make it to the States, I will have to drive you around. It's a manual shift (quite an anomole in the States), but it'll be better on gas, and therefore cheaper for me.

Alright, back to my studies...


BeeDee said...

yikes indeed. gory pictures on the blog. how is the eye feeling this morning? do get it checked at some point. let me know how the "cool shades" were received in the lab!