Sunday, July 23

7 days after injury. Its almost ok. My only problem now is a bit of pain over the eye and orbit. There is only a little bit of swelling over my upper eyelid and the colour is nice. I like the little bit of colour under my eye. A dash of flair ...ehh!!!


BeeDee said...

dude, u have to start using words we common folks understand. what is the orbit???

Rachael said...

flair, eh!? haha! am glad you're looking brother was hit on the inside corner of the orbital socket (eye socket) with a golf ball and broke his nose a few years back (ball hit from about a hundred yards away), and your eye looked worse than his! again, I reiterate, you are a lucky guy! well, my prelim scores on the GRE were really relieved! will keep you posted on applications and such....will be relocating in a few weeks to Cait's apartment for the time being. you take care and enjoy your 'badge of courage' while you still have it ;)

BeeDee said...

hah. u need to blog about ur cricketing exploits. ur blog readership (all four of us) are waiting with bated breath.

btw, google 'bated breath' and see. i found it spelt as 'baited breath' somewhere like the BBC and was horrified. turns out that 'bated breath' is the correct usage but 'baited breath' is now almost accepted thanks to repeated usage. my interesting nugget of knowledge of the day!

as usual am vandalising ur blog with comments. hah.