Monday, May 28

Scrivening Day 13

I apologise to loyal followers of my monotonous life for a lack of recent updates. This is because I have not worked that much since my last post. Social mingling and last-time dinners have occupied my long weekend until today.
Today has been spent polishing my paper before dispatch to AVSH. I have just spent the last 7 continuous hours manipulating figures and pictures on Adobe photoshop. It has been without parallel the most uninteresting activity I have undertaken for some time.
Have added a couple more figures to my paper and need to spend a little bit of time writing that up tonight. Tomorrow necessitates a lab trip, half day doing my last ELISPOT and the other half searching for parasites in thousands of blood films.

Wednesday- mother arrives and I can look forward to a decent meal without having to venture out or making house-calls in Headington. My brain is too fried and dead to write anything more interesting and I am watching Anaconda(yes,the J Lo movie) like a true zombie.

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