Hopefully, my written paper forms Ch.3 and 6 of thesis and this second paper should cover Ch.4,5,7 and half of 8. So, I reckon if I can get this done then my thesis is half way there. The main difficulty in any paper is to get the figures just right. Having spent so much time writing, I sometimes look at words and wonder how they came about.
For example, the word "also", almost looks like a random mix of four letters. Etymology: [Middle English, from Old English ealsw

Another good example is "figure". Break it up fig + ure doesn't really make sense. fi+gu+re doesn't make sense. I was incessantly writing the word today and suddenly it appeared rather odd. So, I tried to look for its roots. It turns out that it is not a very old word. It comes from the Latin meaning shape or form and its other meanings like figurehead come from sailing terminology for figure on the bow of a ship. Interestingly, its scientific use as I seem to be using it often, is a Latin translation of the Greek word "skhema".
My google home page has a word a day from Merriam Webster dictionary and Dictionary.com. Merriam Webster usually has interesting, less commonly used words and gives a etymological history of the word while Dictionary.com seems to be educating those among us who have not done Barron's GRE word list.I still have to check out Wiktionary and the Free Online Dictionary which seem much better sources to improve my vocabulary and satisfy my curiosity.
What I find most annoying in my quest for arcane and antiquated vocabulary is a good online thesaurus. If anyone finds one other than the difficult Roget's online Thesaurus,let me know.
you're bored, aren't you? so am i. sans computer. hence in the computer lab at 1:30 AM. you should be pleased that i am reading your blog! also, fear not about scary remarks from SG. it IS hard to give feedback via email :)
Don't worry about SG. That's just the way she is, unless she's in a particularly good mood! And remember, it's your thesis, not hers! And if she says you need another chapter...
I am bored intermittently. Do you feel like the world has ended now that your computer is out of action? Try living a day without going near a computer and you might actually enjoy it :)
I know about SG. Its 4 years since I started working under her and she still scares the living daylights out of me!! I dont think she will have much chance to add an extra chapter in the thesis, haven't done enough work to justify it.
a WHOLE day without going near a computer?? you've got to be kidding...
i've only checked email twice today :( that must be some sort of record eh?
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