Thursday, May 3

USMLE - Ten Things it has taught me

  1. Preparation for exams lasting 7 hours should be for a minimum of 7 weeks, not 7 days.
  2. Reading short study guides instills false confidence, it does not really help answer questions in the exam.
  3. I hate Biochemistry, Endocrinology and Reproductive Sciences.
  4. A PhD does not help when it comes to mugging the Kreb’s cycle and lysosomal storage disorders.
  5. Sundried tomatoes can make anything taste good.
  6. Never schedule an exam during the Crucible or a World Cup.
  7. Making caffeinated beverages for sustaining cerebral metabolism requires practice!
  8. No exam in easy, don’t believe people who tell you otherwise unless they have failed it.
  9. You retain as much in 7 days of reading as in 48 hours - so spend the extra time watching sport!
  10. Sleeping during an exam seems to make time go quicker (unless it is IIT-JEE..but that’s another story)

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