Saturday, May 19

Scrivening Day 4

Went to sleep early yesterday and woke up late again today. I seem to be getting tired quite easily recently. Perhaps its the fact that my laziness enforces a diet of fruit,tomatoes,toast and honey with copious amounts of caffeine.

Anyway, was not able to finish introduction yesterday, so will finish article today. I might have to go into the lab tomorrow to apply some finishing touches to the figures, but otherwise want it all done by tonight.

I did spend an inordinate amount of time blog surfing yesterday. Its quite revealing what the internet supports. Apart from the not so uncommon solicitous bloggers, what surprised me were the number of Asian and Spanish bloggers. This is one blog which I know some readers of my blog will find interesting.

Being a lab rat, I have always wondered how life would be to spend the whole day in front of a computer answering emails within seconds of receiving it,internet surfing and obsessively checking BBC news. I now know. My breaks from writing usually entail me doing one of these three activities and sometimes I find myself spending more time reading about why Paris Hilton should not be jailed or whether Supernaturals is going to be aired again rather than adenovirus immunology.

Its about 11am and I am ready to start my writing day.

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