Thursday, May 3

I dont know if D reads this, but I know GI does. Just wanted to thank her for detailed,useful and unstinting advice. I doubt whether I would have taken the exam today if it wasn't for a morale boosting email. D needs to be repaid for getting me all these Kaplan books, but somehow I suspect Napa Valley and some Talisker in the evening might cancel the debt!
I met AS on Monday and thermos purchase is thanks to him. He also gets credit for me suddenly realising that Neuroanat and biochem are important areas to be studied.
Now its off to bed and then to Boston where the Little One seems to have stuff half-planned,except for forgetting to book Spiderman 3 tickets!!


BeeDee said...

hah. i object. since there's a film every half hour i don't think it's a life or death matter. but since u insist dear sir, shall we say 5:30 on sunday, boston common?

Bug said...

No problem..I really am glad any advice was useful!

Your description of the day is pretty funny! And the tea spilling is hilarious :)..Sorry..:)

Anonymous said...

Love reading your blog.

Who is the "little one", by the way?