Thursday, August 23

To do list

As you can see, I spend my spare time changing the colouring of my blog. I didn't like the black because it strains my eyes and I didn't like the ochre colour scheme because it was too light, so have tried something in between. It is still being judged - comments welcome!

To do list: (update)
1. Send FP project idea + references - DONE
2. Mail AM,SB,SS - DONE mailed AM , not the others. Add Little One to list.
3. Revise paper - send to everyone for review - DONE ( need photoshop to polish figures)
4. Write and send abstract for conf. - DONE
5. Prepare figures for next two chapters.
6. groceries
7. Send BoA SSN - DONE
8. Call HSBC UK and transfer money
9. Cancel UK phone bill
10. Send Lovefilm CD's back.
11. Buy ERAS Token
12. Return Berkeley library books
13. Buy computer software


BeeDee said...

1. glad to be added to list.
2. the colour is awful. reminds me of the bong thing ;) change it NOW!
3. what software do you need? anything i can get from here? also do you need anything in general from here? let me know soon.

Bug said...

This grey color is a bit drab IMO.
I liked the one in between better..but I do lean toward brighter colors. You should probbly just go with what suits you. :) Yeah - not much help, I know.