Monday, December 26

Eat,Sleep and Movies - Xmas in brief

My Xmas was a bit of a lazy day. We had got loads of movies (cheap deal) and loaded up on food. Oxford on Xmas resembles a ghost town. Nothing is open and you wont find anybody on the streets. In a very bizarre way, I love Oxford during the holidays. The magnificent buildings, their splendour and beauty are unobscured by the mass of humanity on Broad street. Each street looks clean and forces you to pay attention, to stop and look at it. Walk down Broad street on a normal day and you are more concerned about avoiding barging into people but now you can stand and stare without having to look out for people walking, cars trying to park and cyclists intent on fracturing your foot.

Anyway, Xmas saw me watching bits of lots of movies, eating some great Thai curry cooked by the Little One, had some ice cream and slept after all that exertion. Today is Boxing Day and all I can think of is the Tsunami!

I saw this programme yesterday on ITV1 titled, Where was God? The Tsunami. The aim was to examine how different faiths perceived the destruction and death caused by the Tsunami. There were some Jesuit priests who run an observatory who believe that God caused the Tsunami because he wanted to address the weather imbalances in the world. One part was becoming warmer than the other and therefore the Tsunami occurred to redress this temperature balance.
The creepiest piece of information I received thanks to this programme is about a Baptist church in America which thanked the Lord for killing over 5000 Swedes during the Tsunami. This hatred for Swedes stems from the liberal policies of the Swedish government towards homosexuality. They have de-criminalised it. If you wish to be appalled and disgusted by the lack of human empathy and tshocked by the force of people's hatred towards one another, have a look at their website here.

Towards cheerier things - I am back in the dark room and nearing the completion of my mammoth experiment. Day after shall be spent shopping - not that I am looking forward to it. Brother dearest has become addicted to sainsbury's baked chocolate goods and requires massive supplementation! Will do, although cookies have been in low supply proabably because of decreased demand since he left!

Went to watch some Morris Dancing today, but didn't find SP so left early. Its quite fun and the dancers do a pub crawl of sorts.

Little One's sis et al are here and shall head off in the evening for dinner etc.

Looking forward to New Year now!

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