Monday, December 12

Reporting from the dark

I am sitting in a 6X 12 feet room in pitch darkness except for the light from the monitor. It does sound very much like a cooler and so reminds me of The Great Escape and Steve McQuinn with his baseball.
Unfortunately, I am spending time near a FACS machine. Its going to be a long night. Every sample is taking me 4minutes and I have 500 samples. Doing the maths - it is going to take me 2000 minutes = 33 hours!

My only solace is FOX FM and James Blunt. In a stroke of inspiration I brought along the Blunt CD and interspersed with FOX FM I suspect I could get through this ordeal.

Its 9pm now and I have another 3 hours before the place shuts. Then I head back to lab1 and set up stuff tomorrow. I just hope I can wake up early enough tomorrow. I wanted to have a look at some of my other results before tomorrow but I doubt whether I will have the time.

On the plus side, I might get some nice results - fingers crossed.


Bidi-K said...

yay for results :) good luck.

BeeDee said...

Ah so this explains where you've vanished. Hope the results are good. Fingers crossed. It is freezing here in Boston.