Sunday, December 11

Have had a long day today and am really tired. Cant think of anything beyond food and a bed. Am still in the lab and have another half an hour of work to do. The annoying thing is that I woke up late and started my experiment late which now means that I cant take my plate out of the incubator in five hours as I will be portering at that time. So, the big dilemma is whether a 4 hour incubation is better than a 7 hour incubation. Of course, a 7 hour incubation means that I will have to head back to the lab at 11pm after portering which I just do not want to do. I suspect I am going to take the plate off before I go.

Another 9 minutes to the next step, so decided to blog. Have nothing to write about. Lab after conference has been busy.Lots of things to catch up on. SS headed off to Delhi today so had pizza with her yesterday. I do feel guilty about missing classes and making her miss classes as well...but I cant see myself coming in time for the beginning of term. She did give me a couple of good tips about buying stuff for people back home. She went slightly mad buying stuff and finally bought the same deo for all the women in her house!! She couldn't really appreciate how impersonal a gift that would be.

Was up last night till late watching Match of the Day and then reading random rubbish on the net. India finally won against Pakistan(hockey for those who aren't upto speed) and Ronnie lost. He probably deserves it after his rather pompous statement at the Worlds.

Right before I head off, take a look at this article. Its amazing how far science has progressed. This operation was done in the days before anyone knew anything about immunology, transplant rejections, immunosuppression or even immunologically privileged sites. This is pioneering research! Thats what science is all about.

Ok, off to porter now. My thursday experiment worked..after about 4 attempts over the last 4 months. Yes, it means that I have some confidence for next thursday's big experiment. It also has infused some life in me and therefore I shall be back in the lab at about 11pm to take my plates out!

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