Tuesday, December 13

Its 12:37 am and I am finally headed home with "Goodbye my lover" ringing in my head. James Blunt kept me sane for over 4 hours, but I think it might have just been a rather large overdose.

Headed home after ordering mindless things like 25ml pipettes, gloves, p1000 tips and 6 well plates. All this in the middle of the night simply because I wont have time tomorrow morning to do it and AM is throwing a fit (as usual).
I dont know whether I should set up stuff for tomorrow or come in and do it tomorrow. Hmm..maybe I will do a little bit today and some more tmrw.

Amma, got my passport back so might actually go and get my passport renewed. Its expiring in April, but it might be easier to get it done here rather than back home conisdering my current residence does not match the address on my passport. Its such a pain to get police verification done. When the passport office says verification it is often an euphemism for a bribe, however I did find out that this is a genuine problem as even a tout and Rs.2000 did not do the job!

Ok, enough blabbering. Must get home before I sleep in the lab. Warm bed and hot mushroom noodles await!

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