Monday, December 12

James Blunt

Am back after cycling in -2 degrees and fog to spend exactly 1 minute in taking some plates out of the incubator. Horrible waste of time. I almost felt like spending more time in the lab just so that I could feel like I had not wasted half and hour of cycling.

I survived because of James Blunt! If anyone is planning to buy a CD for Xmas, I definitely recommend James Blunt. His album "Back to Bedlam" is one of the best albums I have heard in years. Its full of melancholy songs, love songs and a few poems. If you like coldplay,Cohen you would like him.

His song "Goodbye my Lover" is set to become the iconic break-up song of this generation. Its absolutely brilliant! BBC televised his live performance a couple of days ago and although I rarely sit through a musical performances on TV, this guy did keep me captivated.
His song "No Bravery" about his time in Kosovo in the army has some lovely lyrics and is well composed. Of course, his hit single "You're beautiful" is how I heard him first.

My musical education comes courtesy of my lab. While working down in lab1 we are allowed the radio and while doing ELISPOTS and dissecting mossies I listen to FoxFM Oxford. So, I am familiar with all the top singles at the moment. My other favourites are KT Tunstall's "Other side of the world" and Daniel Powlter's "Bad Day"!
Oasis have just released this peach of a song, listen to it if you get a chance. It reminds me of the first time I heard Oasis when I was in school in Delhi. I was never really into music but everyone knew Oasis's "(What's The Story) Morning Glory"!

Ok, am now off to sleep. Tomorrow is a long day!

Signing off with another of these new songs that I like - Natalie Imbruglia's "Counting down the days"

I wanna travel through time
See your surprise
Hold you so tight
Im counting down the days tonight
I just wanna be a million miles away from here


BeeDee said...

ok, now i'm feeling seriously seriously ignorant. who ARE all these people?? and yes, given i like both coldplay and cohen, i would most certainly like to listen to james blunt :)

ok, also just do a random memory check and see if u can remember how many batsmen u can think of who've opened the batting and bowling in test cricket. (before pathan today that is). i'm stuck at prabhakar.

BeeDee said...

and oh, also. musically i'm currently obsessed with waltz music. last night the music was great- it's actually very lovely to have a live orchestra playing rather than random recorded music. so bought some waltz stuff on itunes (strauss, mozart et al) which u can listen to in just over a week!

p.s. all the best with ur experiments. i'm blatanly using ur comments section as a substitute for email. apologies :)